Footstep 6 - Assertive Communication

This module is a truly empowering workshop enabling delegates to make an instance difference to their daily lives, by learning to achieve a balance, between self-expression and positive communication, with others. The examination of  the difference between behavioural types is key, which then aids delegates to the identification of aspects of not only their own personal behavioural characteristics, but those of others too.

The belief that assertion is the key element to the achievement of high self-belief levels and is often described as advanced communication skills. Expression of  true feelings in an honest, open and respectful way to another aids the building to internal respect as well as forging higher levels of self-confidence.

The exploration of assertive beliefs and the benefits of thinking assertively as well as the effects of self-esteem  in all aspects of our life is also a key learning point.

This workshop facilitates each individual to communicate in a fair and empowering way. In learning and practicing the different levels of assertion delegates are able enough to take away essential skills to achieve win/win conclusions.

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